Corner Shower Shelf Options For a Modern Shower

One of the modern developments in bathroom design has been the growth of shower stalls or shower enclosures. These have been a great development for more than one reason. Firstly, they are more efficient than just a rod and curtain to keep the water from the shower from splashing on the bathroom floor, and the dangers that can bring. Secondly, they bring an aesthetic enhancement to the bathroom that can make a significant contribution to bathroom décor.

Tier Wall Shelf

Being enclosed, it is even more important to consider shower storage as a separate design consideration to general bathroom storage; the enclosure is in effect a separate room, and while you're showering, you probably don't want to have to go out into another room (ie the main bathroom area) to fetch something you need, such as soap, face cloth, shampoo or anything else you might need while showering.

Tier Wall Shelf

Shower stalls tend to be quite small, so there is a need to plan your storage carefully; not only are you limited in space, you need to avoid things getting unnecessarily sprayed with water. One general option usually available to you is to make full use of a corner, and install a corner shower shelf or shelves, corner shower caddy or shower basket.

What options are there for a corner shower shelf? You can find quite a variety of designs for corner storage in the shower stall; from a single wall shelf in marble to a tension pole shower caddy that reaches the ceiling; from a single wire basket to a multi tier brass shower rack with chrome or satin nickel finish.

The first thing to consider is how much you wish to keep handy for while you and your partner or family need in the shower; if you have children who use your shower, then the variety and volume of items you have to store will be greater. The tension pole corner caddies can usually accommodate most family needs for storage adjacent to the showerhead, while a single marble shelf is only suitable for a single adult or maybe couple. So, it is imperative that you think first exactly what your capacity needs are. Installing a single but costly marble shelf only to find it is not sufficient is something you want to avoid.

Corner Shower Shelf Options For a Modern Shower
Tier Wall Shelf

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